About US
#WeAreSCA!Our Mission
What We Stand For
Our Idea
We Are Providing an Environment for Our Students to Grow & Excel
God blessed Sonshine with additional students, staff and grades in each succeeding year, (two 12th grade classes were graduated from the school) and the school operated out of two locations for one year. The former facility which housed the school for 6 years was in a deteriorating, drug infested neighborhood and plans were made for its demolition. The school board was able to secure a facility at 2112 Mock Road, Columbus, OH in the summer of 1990, and the constituency consisted of a principal, two assistants, 22 teachers, 10 teachers’ aides, one financial secretary, one office secretary, one receptionist, one office assistant, one school librarian, cafeteria staff, one full-time and three part-time custodians, one school nurse, one school counselor, one reading remedial teacher, and an enrollment of 440 students. Grades 1-6 were chartered in 1983, and grades 7 and 8 were chartered in 1985.
Prior to the 2005-2006 school year, the Mock Road property was sold, and the school was welcomed to move into New Covenant Believer’s Church located at 3400 Kohr Blvd., Columbus, OH by its Pastor, Bishop Howard Tillman. The school remained at New Covenant until July 1, 2010 when it relocated to the facility located at 1965 Gladstone Ave., Columbus, OH.
By God’s grace and mercy, we now have a permanent location at 980 Lenore Ave. Columbus, OH 43224, as well as a second campus at1763 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43211!

Our Education Philospophy
Teaching the Professionals of tomorrow
The belief of the Sonshine Christian Academy is that the Word of God is the source of knowledge and wisdom. “For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, …the beginning of knowledge, … and all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in Christ.” (Proverbs 1:7, 9:10; Colossians 2:3). Moreover, we adhere to a theistic rather than the humanistic frame of reference for the origins of the universe. We believe, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
It is our contention that a student’s adherence to Christian principles, as taught at SCA, will positively affect his/her relationship with society. We will teach our children to imitate positive role models of inspired teachers who exemplify the love, peace, tenderness, kindness, long-suffering, meekness, and gentleness of Christ Jesus. When children are exposed to those Christ-like characteristics, they will imitate them, and in turn, exemplify them to others contributing to a moral society.
Only after receiving a quality education will students learn and accept their purpose in life. Therefore, Christian education is constitutive to the making of the individual, the preservation of the family and the survival of the nation.
At Sonshine Christian Academy, we offer a Christ-centered educational program that enables each student to acquire knowledge, personal qualities, skills, understanding and the qualifications necessary for students to live and thrive in a multicultural and ever-changing society. The achievement of this philosophy demands emphasis on effective learning within a school culture conducive to this end.
The objectives of the Sonshine Christian Academy are:
- The goal this year is for the teachers and school administration to partner with each student to try and achieve straight A’s. Our family of professional educators will accomplish this by focusing on Academic Achievement through Activity-Assessment Alignment, and Accountability. The way we achieve this is through the following strategy:
- Classroom instruction is guided by the core competencies and skills identified/found in each text book (each SCA text book contain approved State of Ohio Required concepts and skills).
- Teachers submit their lesson plans around each weekly concept found directly from each text book respectively.
- Classroom activities mirror/reiterate the textbook core competencies (classwork, practices and worksheets are a required aspect of course room instruction).
- Homework is required and looks identical to the classwork (repetition is the key here).
- The weekly assessment mirrors the homework/classwork practices. This strategy is to be implemented in each of the core subjects in every grade throughout Sonshine Christian Academy (the 4 core subjects: reading (writing/language arts); math; science; and social studies).
- If any child is struggling in any area, both the parent and SCA administration needs to be alerted in order to accommodate/intervene with a specialized strategy.
- Parents are asked to reinforce this Straight-A message at home by reintegrating the goal of Academic Accomplishment through Attendance, Attitude, and Accelerated Activities. By sharing in the task of scholastic achievement, we will grow our youth with a unified effort of excellence.
- Hick’s Theory: The method of repetition throughout the week in order to master core competencies is what this strategy is designed to achieve. This strategy places the teacher in an instructor role only a fraction of the time in the beginning, with the majority of the time spent as a coach reinforcing instruction with structured activities, practices, and homework review sessions. Structured Repetition=Drills=Activity Alignment (identical classwork + identical homework)= Straight A’s to be attained for each student on each Assessment.
- Teachers need to take a pulse check (i.e. quizzes or homework feedback) to measure the student’s ability to comprehend what they are learning throughout the week and communicate this to parents and administration alike. This metric is simply to ask each child to explain the concept/process/skill. Because if the child can’t explain it, they don’t understand it… If/When this happens, the teacher needs to re-teach the concept accordingly (start again at step 1 of the process).
Our Credentials
Step up to quality
We are so excited that Sonshine Christian Academy has been chosen to be a three-star center for our early childhood education and preschool special education programs!
All Early Childhood Education (ECE) and Preschool Special Education (PSE) programs funded by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) are mandated to participate in Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) and are required to achieve a rating of 3, 4, or 5 to maintain state funding, as well as administer and report on the Early Learning Assessment for all ECE and PSE funded children. The invitation to participate in SUTQ has now been made to all eligible publicly funded programs in Ohio.
In addition to ECE and PSE programs, ODE licensed programs that receive Publicly Funded Child Care (PFCC) funds from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) will be required to participate in SUTQ.
It is our job to be graded higher in the coming future. Stay tuned!