Coming late or leaving early? Ohio law says that’s the same as skipping school!
Ohio Law (HB 410) recently changed how Columbus City Schools must track missed class time. No longer are absences tracked only by number of days your child has missed. Lost time is now counted by how many housr your child is out of class, both excused and unexcused.
Student are expected to be in class the entire school day. Miss too much time – even if it’s for doctor’s appointment of family vacations – and the new law will now require the District to send families an official written notice that your child has “excessive absences.”
You’ll receive an exessive absences warning letter in the mail when your child is:
- Absent 38 hours or more in one school month with or without legitimate excuse.
- Absent 65 hours or more in one school year or without legitimate excuse.
We need your help to make sure that your student arrives on time and is regularly attending school through the end of the school day. Try to avoid appointments trips, or delays that might keep your child out of class, even if its only for a brief period of time. Lost time adds up.
If your child is excessively absent without a legitimate excuse, the new law labels him/her as habitually truant”. This happens after your child is:
- Absent 30 hours or more consecutive hours without legitimate excuse.
- Absent 42 hours or more hours in one school month without legitimate excuse.
- Absent 72 hours or more in one school year without legitimate excuse
IN TEAM – Intervention Teams
When a student reaches this high level of unexcused missed class time, Ohio Law requires the District to set up an Intervention Team to determine why the child is habitually truant and what supports are needed to keep in school.
You as the parent or guardian – or someone representing your family – must be part of this intervention Team and contribute to developing and following the plan established.
Other supportive options may include counseling, parent education, mediation, and/or juvenile justice intervention programs. A complaint for truancy may be filed, if applicable.
Columbus City Schools looks forward to parenting together with student. families, and our community partners to identify and work through any attendance barriers.
If you have questions, please talk with your child’s principal or call our office of Customer Relations at 614.365.8888.