A Message from Dr. Hicks

Dr. Davina Hicks



December 2024

The Advent Season is upon us! As we take time to reflect on the Joy that Christ’s birth brought to the world, let us remember the significance of each miracle that King Jesus has blessed us with in our personal lives. We are still here and blessed to see another Winter in the year 2024—count your many blessings and consider what kindness our God has gifted us with. In celebration of Christ’s birthday, we invite you to join the entire student-body population in our all-school program entitled: Jesus at the Center of it All, under the direction of Ms. Seleana Watkins, dance instructor and owner of the Seleana La Dance Company! Children are asked to wear all black tops and pants on the night of the performance. See enclosed flier for details.

As the weather continues to get colder, we ask that you allow your children to layer their clothing with navy blue or white sweaters and/or with approved SCA hoodies. We are unable to allow the students outside for recess and physical activity whenever the temperature is below 35⁰ Fahrenheit. As a reminder, please be sure to stay connected with all winter weather advisory messages: delays, cancellations, and school closures through our many communication outlets. ClassDoJo, Facebook, the school website, along with all-school phone text messaging and e-mail, are used to keep you informed of weather influenced decisions made to keep our families safe this winter. Additionally, we communicate our school closures through the local television stations: NBC-Channel 4, ABC-Channel 6, and WBNS-Channel 10. We have a total of seven “snow days” built into our school schedule and will only need to “make-up” time in June if we close school beyond seven days this school year.

Please continue working with your child(ren) during the winter break with particular focus on their reading and math skills. Studies show that it is important to maintain a consistent focus on reading and math whenever schools are on hiatus of any sort. As a result, all students will be assigned reading and math practice over the winter break.


Friday, 12/06
All School Fundraiser: $1 Dress Down Day!

Tuesday, 12/17/24 @ 10AM
The Nutcracker: The Ohio Theater

Thurs., 12/19 ∙ 6-8PM
All School Christmas Program ($5 admission for adults-children are free)

12/20/24 – 01/03/25
Winter Break ∙ Christmas Holiday

Mon., 01/06
Classes Resume

Thurs., 01/16
End of Quarter II

Fri., 01/17
No School: Records Day ∙ Report Cards Due
Mon., 1/20

No School: MLK Day—Both Campuses

Tues., 01/21
No School: Professional Development Day

Wed., 01/22
Third Grading Period Begins

In the Service of King Jesus,
Dr. Davina Hicks, MBA, PhD
